Another Bad Day for LA’s Occasional Mayor Eric Garcetti

Eric Garcetti likes using public resources to make cutesy, no-content recap videos about what happened that week in City Hall to encapsulate all of his empty publicity stunts and photo opps. We thought we could give his people the week off and do one for him to kind of sum up a recent, unexpectedly long Saturday he had, in case he’s forgotten about it – or you missed it.

Watch as Eric Garcetti receives a rude awakening from a group of protesters (us) because of his unconscionable statements about re-enacting the sidewalk sleeping ban, his role in the displacement, criminalization and detainment of black and brown people, and his continued avoidance of even being within the legal boundaries of the city he’s allegedly governing.

Later that day, Garcetti was ambushed and deeply embarrassed again at the Keep Families Together rally by protesters chanting “ICE OUT OF LA” while he asked for ICE to “do its job.” Not a good look, Eric. This was supposed to be an easy Saturday. But the exposure didn’t stop there.

Dr. Melina Abdullah of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles delivered the knockout later at the same rally, surgically deconstructing Garcetti and all the pernicious systems he helps uphold:

Liberal white supremacy is no better. When you are the mayor of the second largest city in the nation, and you stand on a stage and defend trump, yet allow people who have been separated from their families to be caged just a few blocks away, you are complicit.

When you use the money that we all voted for to house houseless folks to criminalize and deport them, you are complicit. When you appoint a police chief [Michel Moore] who actually pulled the trigger in 2 officer involved shootings, you are complicit.

And this is not just about Eric Garcetti being complicit. This is about all of us. All of us. And it’s not a smiling version of white supremacy that will defeat Trump.

It was another tough day for Garcetti, his name becoming more of a punchline here at home with every passing day. It’s also been a brutal June and July for the embattled Mayor whose office is now being sued by the LA Times for failing to disclose how much we’re paying for his comically doomed presidential campaign.

It’s a historically hot – some might even go far as to call it surgical – summer for this shallow opportunist who thinks he can be president somehow.

And we’re just getting warmed up.

Sleep tight, Eric.