Paris petition: CANCEL the 2024 Olympics

We cannot make our way towards a new world along the misguided path of the old one.

We must reject the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

The Olympics have destroyed many countries that have organized them in recent years. Now with delayed public works projects and new enhanced security measures, the cost of hosting is even higher.

The final budget will far exceed the seven billion initially projected, especially as the possible cancellation of the Tokyo Games could have serious consequences for the financing of the Paris Games.

We must invest in health, education, housing, and public services. The current economic and social crisis deserves more funding than the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games are a symbol of unchecked globalization, and a threat to the environment and to our heritage. Above all, they are an immense waste for the benefit of some (corporate sponsors, real estate developers, the construction sector…) that we can no longer afford.

With the signatories of this petition, representing diverse sectors and backgrounds, we demand that the government cancel the Olympic Games.

Petition by NON aux JO2024 à Paris, with: